Is It Possible To Have Too Many Writing Books?

I’m one of those people who have more books on craft than I can possibly read in a year, but that doesn’t stop me from buying more. I can’t help it. There’s so much wisdom to be garnered by writers who’ve come before us.

And, I confess, when trying to write a thoughtful rejection to an author who just needs a little more help in the craft department, I often go to my writing craft shelf (okay, shelves), to pull one (or two, or four) books that I can recommend.

It was after trying to find one particular book for an author, and spending twenty minutes trying to find the book, that I decided to take an inventory. Yup. I discovered my ratio of read-to-unread craft books is close to 50-50. I figured that isn’t a promising percentage for a writer trying to improve her craft.

So, I’m giving myself a little challenge for the rest of 2021, to read at least one book on the craft of writing every week. This blog category represents my accountability for this challenge. Nineteen weeks, nineteen books, and nineteen posts on the best (and worst) craft books in my library.

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